About Company

OpenProject is a versatile project management software that offers a classic, agile, and hybrid project management network. It is designed to make users' work simple, productive, and pleasant. Admins can assign tasks to their teammates and communicate with them in one place. The software helps to deliver projects on time and make better iterations with development and methodology tools, such as Scrum and Kanban. OpenProject hosts a large community of open source enthusiasts, developers, and businesses who help and support each other. Also, the platform assures the highest level of security and creates a protected environment for its users, enabling full data ownership. Users have full freedom to run, share, study, and modify their projects without limitations. Businesses can find professional support for their self-hosted projects on this platform. It reduces users' burden by letting the experts do the hosting. Users can find work management solutions for various industries, including IT & Technology, Engineering, Healthcare, NGOs, Banking, and Finance.

Pricing of OpenProject

Community Edition



  • Project overview page
  • Work packages
  • Gantt charts / timelines
  • Agile boards basic
  • Scheduling
  • Work week
  • Cards view
  • Scrum (product backlog and taskboard)
  • Meetings management
  • Calendar
  • Time tracking
  • Costs
  • Reports
  • Budgeting
  • Bug tracking
  • Wiki
  • Documents
  • Forums
  • Custom fields for work packages (w/o multi-select)
  • Custom workflows
  • User groups & permissions
  • Work package templates
  • Project templates
  • My page (personal dashboard)
  • In-app Notifications
  • Email summaries
  • API
  • Repositories (SVN
  • GIT)
  • LDAP authentication


USD 7.25



  • Includes features of Community plan
  • plus
  • Repositories (SVN
  • GIT): Only On-Premises
  • Status boards (Kanban)
  • Team boards
  • Version boards
  • Subprojects boards
  • Workbreakdown-structure
  • Team planner
  • Custom theme and logo
  • Graphs on project overview page
  • Attribute highlighting
  • Intelligent workflows with custom action buttons
  • Date alerts for upcoming and overdue tasks
  • Full text search
  • incl. work package attachments
  • Configure work package forms
  • Custom fields for projects
  • Multi-select custom fields for work


USD 13.5



  • Includes features of Basic plan
  • plus
  • Getting started training
  • Phone
  • Response time - critical incidents: 6h
  • Response time - major incidents: 12h
  • Response time - minor incidents: 48h
  • Scheduled standby and upgrade assistance: On-premises only
  • Security alerts
  • Ticketing system
  • Includes features of Basic plan
  • plus
  • Getting started training
  • Phone
  • Response time - critical incidents: 6h
  • Response time - major incidents: 12h
  • Response time - minor incidents: 48h
  • Scheduled standby and upgrade assistance: On


USD 19.5



  • Includes features of Professional plan
  • plus
  • Installation support
  • Personal onboarding manager
  • Remote login and remote hands
  • Named support contacts: 3
  • Response time - critical incidents: 2h
  • Response time - major incidents: 6h
  • Response time - minor incidents: 24h
  • Priority development and escalation
  • Includes features of Professional plan
  • plus
  • Installation support
  • Personal onboarding manager
  • Remote login and remote hands
  • Named support contacts: 3
  • Response time - critical incidents: 2h
  • Response time




  • Includes features of Premium plan
  • plus
  • On site support
  • Dedicated support engineer
  • Named support contacts: 8
  • Support for the core application which is adapted by custom plugins
  • Support for custom plugins: Monthly billing according to time spent
  • Includes features of Premium plan
  • plus
  • On site support
  • Dedicated support engineer
  • Named support contacts: 8
  • Support for the core application which is adapted by custom plugins
  • Support for custom plugins: Monthly billing according to time spent

Key Features of OpenProject

  • Timeline View
  • Project Templates
  • Idea Management
  • Kanban Board
  • Time & Expense Tracking
  • Task Management
  • Status Tracking
  • Resource Management
  • Requirement Management
  • Project Planning
  • Portfolio Management
  • Percent-Complete Tracking
  • Milestone Tracking
  • Issue Management
  • Budget Management
  • Recurring Task Management
  • IT Project Management
  • Time Tracking
  • Task Tracking
  • Task Scheduling
  • Task Assigning
  • Reporting (Analytics)
  • Progress Tracking
  • Gantt Charts
  • Alerts
  • Collaboration Tools
  • Gamification

Who uses OpenProject


Company Details

  • Company Name: OpenProject
  • Headquarter: Berlin , Berlin Germany
  • Website: Visit Website
  • Social Media:


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User Reviews Review Write a Review

Best open source project management software with outstanding support


What are the best aspects of this product?

OpenProject provides powerful project management features like timelines, work packages, cost reports, agile and scrum, wiki and many more. The professional support is outstanding.

What aspects are problematic or could work better?

No problematic aspects at all. The software is first class.

What features/services would you like to see in future versions of this product?

OpenProject is getting better and better. Every year there are several major stable releases offering new features.

What specific problems in your company were solved by this product?

We are a small digital agency and we are using OpenProject for our entire project management. Since we are using OpenProject our workflow is much faster and more efficient.

Are you a current user of this product?


- Christoph Zierz
Reviewed at 27/01/2021
Source: financesonline.com
"A complex and felxible solution to project management and bug tracking."

What do you like best?

1. It can be used on own server, without cloud.

2. It's open source and free in standard version.

3. It has very intuitive interface.

4. It's often updated.

5. It has extensive configuration, possibility of custom fields definition.

6. It has a wide range of usage.

7. If offers many useful features: workflows (tasks statuses vs. roles), budgets, Gantt charts.

What do you dislike?

1. Despite the frequent updates, the software is still buggy.

2. It has only basic system of permissions e.g. lack of privileges on levels lower than a project like on work packages or custom fields.

3. Budgets management is very limited e.g. there are neither margin option nor possibility to use common budget for couple projects.

4. It still lacks a some system of automation e.g. possibility to write some scripts, define own views for all projects at once etc.

5. Working with many projects is very limited.

6. You cannot use custom fields in many features like cost reports or my page widgets.

7. The external API is still underdeveloped.

8. Lack of KPI's, resource management and employees efficiency.

Recommendations to others considering the product:

OpenProject is a good and trustworthy solution but it is only a tool. First you need to define your own needs, create your own processes and then decide if this software can fulfill your requirements.

What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?

1. We use this software mainly to bug tracking, project management and simply time based settlements.

2. With OpenProject we have greater control over our work and responsibility.

3. We have better communication with our clients and inside our team.

4. Consequently we can offer better quality services, reduce cost of products development, stay on schedule and keep costs and resources to budget.

- Adrian N
Reviewed at 19/04/2020
Source: g2crowd.com
"Not bad, but not very userfriendly"

What do you like best?

It keeps track of every change, and a lot seems possible in terms of commenting and task descriptions.

What do you dislike?

User experience isn't very good. Navigating isn't very easy or fast, and writing a task sometimes gives errors in both submitting as well as formatting.

Recommendations to others considering the product:

See if you really need it. Others might be more user friendly or time saving, so only choose this one if you need particular requirements that only openproject offer

What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?

Projectmanagement of a big IT project. Benefits are the endless nesting possibilities to keep things clear. Changes are being tracked and saved, so you can always see the change history. This time there can be no discussion between client and IT company.

- User in Computer Software
Reviewed at 08/11/2019
Source: g2crowd.com
"Las cosas gratis si pueden ser buenas"

What do you like best?

Esta plataforma tan sencilla a primera vista ofrece muchas posibilidades de personalizaciĂłn, lo importante esa saber exactamente como deseamos usarla y tendremos opciones de personalizaron muy importantes.

Lo que mas disfruto es lo rápida que es, se trata de un software potente pero muy liviano, en nuestra empresa la tenemos instalada en un servidor local y la velocidad de acceso a través de la intranet es insuperable, pero también se mantiene cuando estamos trabajando de un punto remoto o en casa y accedemos a través de Internet.

La facilidad para crear tareas y asignarlas a una personas asĂ­ como crear paquetes de trabajo dentro de un proyecto es insuperable, la gran cantidad de opciones a la hora de crear un paquete de trabajo es de gran utilidad asĂ­ como la posibilidad de asignar estados personalizados a dichos paquetes de trabajo.

Por ultimo también es extremadamente útil la relación que podemos establecer entre tareas con la posibilidad de agregar predecesoras de forma sencilla y rápida.

What do you dislike?

La única opción que extraño de esta herramienta es la posibilidad de crear cronogramas visuales al estilo "hoja de calculo" que ofrecen otras opciones del mercado, si bien ofrece la posibilidad de generar Timelines de los proyectos esta funcionalidad me ha servido de poco al momento de proyectar tareas que se realizaran en un periodo de tiempo futuro y que necesito visualizar en forma gráfica a modo de calendario con fases, tareas y relaciones entre las mismas.

Recommendations to others considering the product

Para implementar con éxito esta herramienta se debe tener muy claro el uso que se le dará, la manera en la que estas estructurados los procesos internos es clave para poder hacerlo de forma correcta, adicional a ello lo mas adecuado es que sea un proceso de migración gradual desde otra plataforma de esa manera evitamos perdida de datos o darnos cuenta que no contamos con características vitales cuando sea muy tarde.

What business problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?

Actualmente se usa para gestionar la asignación de tareas de los distintos equipos de trabajo dentro de la empresa, con la posibilidad de hacer seguimiento al cumplimiento de tiempos, metas y estándares de calidad. Esta asignación de tareas abarca todo el espectro de acción de nuestra agencia desde recibir tickets de soporte técnico de clientes para pasar requerimientos a equipos técnicos específicos hasta el proceso de facturación, cobro y pagos a proveedores.

Adicionalmente desarrollamos una herramienta de tracking in house mediante la cual se realiza seguimiento de los tiempos empleados para todas las tareas operativas de la empresa permitiendo tener costeos mas exactos.

Reviewed at 11/02/2019
Source: g2crowd.com
"Las cosas gratis si pueden ser buenas"

What do you like best?

Esta plataforma tan sencilla a primera vista ofrece muchas posibilidades de personalizaciĂłn, lo importante esa saber exactamente como deseamos usarla y tendremos opciones de personalizaron muy importantes.

Lo que mas disfruto es lo rápida que es, se trata de un software potente pero muy liviano, en nuestra empresa la tenemos instalada en un servidor local y la velocidad de acceso a través de la intranet es insuperable, pero también se mantiene cuando estamos trabajando de un punto remoto o en casa y accedemos a través de Internet.

La facilidad para crear tareas y asignarlas a una personas asĂ­ como crear paquetes de trabajo dentro de un proyecto es insuperable, la gran cantidad de opciones a la hora de crear un paquete de trabajo es de gran utilidad asĂ­ como la posibilidad de asignar estados personalizados a dichos paquetes de trabajo.

Por ultimo también es extremadamente útil la relación que podemos establecer entre tareas con la posibilidad de agregar predecesoras de forma sencilla y rápida.

What do you dislike?

La única opción que extraño de esta herramienta es la posibilidad de crear cronogramas visuales al estilo "hoja de calculo" que ofrecen otras opciones del mercado, si bien ofrece la posibilidad de generar Timelines de los proyectos esta funcionalidad me ha servido de poco al momento de proyectar tareas que se realizaran en un periodo de tiempo futuro y que necesito visualizar en forma gráfica a modo de calendario con fases, tareas y relaciones entre las mismas.

Recommendations to others considering the product:

Para implementar con éxito esta herramienta se debe tener muy claro el uso que se le dará, la manera en la que estas estructurados los procesos internos es clave para poder hacerlo de forma correcta, adicional a ello lo mas adecuado es que sea un proceso de migración gradual desde otra plataforma de esa manera evitamos perdida de datos o darnos cuenta que no contamos con características vitales cuando sea muy tarde.

What problems are you solving with the product? What benefits have you realized?

Actualmente se usa para gestionar la asignación de tareas de los distintos equipos de trabajo dentro de la empresa, con la posibilidad de hacer seguimiento al cumplimiento de tiempos, metas y estándares de calidad. Esta asignación de tareas abarca todo el espectro de acción de nuestra agencia desde recibir tickets de soporte técnico de clientes para pasar requerimientos a equipos técnicos específicos hasta el proceso de facturación, cobro y pagos a proveedores.

Adicionalmente desarrollamos una herramienta de tracking in house mediante la cual se realiza seguimiento de los tiempos empleados para todas las tareas operativas de la empresa permitiendo tener costeos mas exactos.

- Yohan A
Reviewed at 11/02/2019
Source: g2crowd.com

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OpenProject has 5 plans,

  • Community Edition USD 0
  • Basic USD 7.25 /User/Month
  • Professional USD 13.5 /User/Month
  • Premium USD 19.5 /User/Month
  • Corporate USD 0

OpenProject is the Project Management Software With Slack Integration Used for the below functionalities

Top 5 OpenProject features

  • Timeline View
  • Project Templates
  • Idea Management
  • Kanban Board
  • Time & Expense Tracking

OpenProject provides Business Hours,Online (Ticket) support.

OpenProject is not allowing Free Trial.