
Artificial Intelligence for Customer Support

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About Company

AnswerIQ is an AI solution designed to help customer support teams reduce inbound ticket volume, streamline FCR, and even make zero touch resolution a reality. From front-end deflection to back-end agent assist, AnswerIQ delivers the only end-to-end AI toolkit today.

Pricing of AnswerIQ

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Key Features of AnswerIQ



Cloud Hosted

Customer Support:

Live Chat,Online (Ticket)



Languages Support:


Who uses AnswerIQ


Company Details

  • Company Name: AnswerIQ
  • Headquarter: Bangalore, Karnataka India
  • Website: Visit Website
  • Social Media:


AnswerIQ delivers an end-to-end AI solution for customer support - from front-end deflection technology to back-end agent assist tools.

With AnswerIQ you can:

  • Help Your Customers Help Themselves:

Leverage Self Assist, an intelligent "deflection" tool, to understand the context and content of incoming tickets. This unique technology uses AI to provide relevant content suggestions right from your own knowledge base.

  • Drive Engagement Before a Ticket is Ever Submitted:

Automatically respond to customer queries, intelligently route requests to a member of your support team, and guide customers toward one or more knowledge base articles to help themselves!

  • Triage & Route Within Minutes:

AnswerIQ’s technology identifies patterns in ticket classifications from the past and predicts which group or individual agent should receive each new ticket. Tickets are routed within minutes to the most highly-suited available agent.

  • Reduce Costs by Automating Responses:

AnswerIQ enables organizations to automatically respond to tickets once they are deemed appropriate based on chosen confidence criteria and comfort level. Password resets, standard refunds, tracking packages, and other regular resolutions are subject to automation.

  • Boost Agent Productivity:

As new support tickets arise, AnswerIQ uses artificial intelligence to recommend an appropriate response template and give customers the right answers with as little wait as possible.

  • Get a Holistic View of Your Organizational Efficiency:

AnswerIQ generates several key observations through its learning process to help you reflect on and inform changes. We show you what macros are a good candidate for response automation, provide a macro report and recommendation tool, and offer ticket routing and classification suggestions.

  • Seamless CXM integration with Salesforce and Zendesk:

AnswerIQ natively integrates directly into CXM systems and automatically generates machine learning models to mimic the decision paths of how agents handle cases. It works across the spectrum of automation needs from augmentation to full automation.

AnswerIQ Video


Zoho SalesIQ

Conversations that convert, connections that last

AnswerIQ Screenshots


AnswerIQ has 0 plans.

AnswerIQ provides Live Chat,Online (Ticket) support.

AnswerIQ is not allowing Free Trial.