Xoxoday Empuls

Xoxoday Empuls

By Xoxoday Empuls

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Xoxoday Empuls is an employee engagement platform that enables you to create a really engaged workforce by using a continual process of feedback and development. It enables you to motivate, connect, empower, and align employees to create high-performing, highly engaged teams. With Xoxoday Empuls, you can centralize internal communications using a social intranet. It allows employees to collaborate, communicate, and connect from the home, the workplace, or on the road. You can dismantle communication barriers, ensure that everyone is on the same page, maintain timely and enjoyable communication and facilitate internal communication that is transparent, consistent, and timely. With the platform’s activity feed, workers can get daily updates on health information, announcements, corporate news, policy changes, and events. With regular feedback, precise insights, and effective action, you can improve employee engagement and experience. You can identify issues that are impacting employee performance and development and determine the most prevalent areas of concern. You

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