Applicant Tracking Systems on Hiring Diversity in US Companies

mitisha j
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Applicant Tracking Systems on Hiring Diversity in US Companies

What we'll cover

    An Application tracking system is a database where you can save all of your candidates' resumes and easily peruse them as a table containing their educational background and pertinent work experience, among other details. It also automates this crucial but time-consuming process by making it easy for you to get in touch with people you think might be a good fit for the job. Currently, the majority of Fortune 500 firms employ Applicant tracking system to reduce potential biases throughout the recruiting process in addition to being purely convenient. This is so that hiring managers may make an entirely objective choice that will best serve the organisation by evaluating applicants' suitability for a position exclusively on the basis of their abilities when using an application tracking system.

    The Role of Diversity and Inclusion

    Inclusion and diversity are crucial for fostering a vibrant and innovative work environment. They see to it that every individual has an equal opportunity to prosper and provide value to the business. Because a diverse workforce brings a wide range of perspectives, experiences, and talents to the table, it enhances decision-making and increases company performance.

    Related laws and government initiatives

    To ensure inclusion and diversity in the workplace, governments have passed laws and implemented a variety of programmes. For instance, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission upholds laws in the US that discrimination in the workplace on the basis of race, colour disability or age. Several countries have also enacted affirmative action legislation in an effort to provide underrepresented groups with more fair opportunities.

    Notable Examples of Diversity and Inclusion

    The importance of inclusion and diversity in the workplace has been brought to light by several well-known instances. One example of this is the lawsuit that Google faced in 2017 when former employees accused the company of fostering a work environment.Another well-known instance is the affirmative action lawsuit which arose from allegations that the university's admissions procedure discriminated against Asian American candidates. This case brought to light the complicated issues and disagreements regarding affirmative action laws and how they affect inclusion and diversity in higher education.

    Why an ATS is the Best Tool to Diversify Hiring

    When it comes to practically every facet of hiring, Applicant tracking technology outperforms human HR software. The greatest Applicant tracking systems in US Businessmay be identified by an HR staff that is skilled; they are not binary. Thousands of resumes are meticulously screened and categorised using many criteria by an ATS, which adds variety to the workforce.

    • Diversification is simple with automated methods.

    Nowadays, practically every industry is using automation as a term. But automation also functions in clear-cut ways. An Application tracking system monitoring system, for instance, can increase diversity, despite the fact that this may appear improbable.

    HR staff may obtain background data on thousands of candidates in a timely manner with automated CV screening. But obtaining this data by hand may be costly in terms of time and money, and it may not yield reliable findings.Automation, for example, will enable a firm to hire more diversely and more quickly if it is one of its hiring objectives.

    • Get clear of discrimination

    Diversifying recruiting is favoured by the same reason that opposes the use of automated methods due to their lack of understanding. It can be detrimental to a workforce's diversity for recruiting supervisors to have implicit or explicit bias.

    With an ATS, prejudice is eliminated and candidates are evaluated solely on the basis of their qualifications. An application monitoring system will make sure that human proclivities do not get in the way of a company's efforts to be more inclusive.

    • Candidates find ATS-based hiring more comfortable.

    Best Application tracking system US based Candidates from underrepresented populations may feel more confident in the hiring process when ATS is used in tech recruiting to increase transparency and credibility. With more varied individuals applying for opportunities as a result of this improved confidence, the pool of applicants may end up being of higher quality. Diversifying the employment process is made simpler with a broader pool of applicants.ATS is growing more and more common in the tech recruiting industry globally because of its numerous benefits. But, failing to utilise them to their full potential might end up costing businesses a lot of money over time. Using an top Applicant tracking system (ATS) may expedite the  Employee engagement software and simplify diversity, ultimately

    Benefit of Applicant Tracking Systems in US Companies

    Exclusive describing Applicant tracking systems solution in US and using them to grow their teams, stay competitive, increase their market share, and grow their revenue and businesses by providing a branded solution to meet their customers' needs is a strategy used by businesses ranging from vertical SaaS companies to HR Solutions to franchises.

    • White labelling is another term for private labelling that you may have heard of.

    While many people confuse private labelling with white labelling, a private label Applicant tracking system goes above and beyond with the aforementioned customizations, whereas a white label applicant tracking system is acquired from a SaaS provider rebranded.According to 78% of ATS users, a software review platform, increased the calibre of their hiring. That is really significant. Enhancing the calibre of fresh recruits increases retention and prevents unfavourable hiring saving businesses money. The labour Statistics report for 2021 states that the yearly turnover rate for 2020 was 57.3%. The World Economic Forum estimates that a firm may save $12,489 by avoiding a toxic hiring. Each year, turnover costs US businesses trillions of dollars.

    Interview planning: Using Employee scheduling software capabilities included in certain Applicant tracking systems, recruiters may arrange interviews with candidates straight from the system, saving time and effort by avoiding back-and-forth correspondence.

    Productivity analytics: ATS offers insightful data on hiring practises, including time-to-fill, source of hire, applicant interaction, and more. HR departments may optimise their hiring strategy by using this data to inform data-driven choices.

    Diversity and inclusion: Certain cutting-edge applicant tracking systems have tools built in that help achieve these goals by eliminating bias throughout the recruitment process. They can assist in discovering potential biases in candidate and job description data as well as provide record-keeping for regulatory requirements.

    By automating tedious tasks, improving candidate matching, and providing useful data for better decision-making, the integration of AI into applicant tracking software greatly increases the effectiveness of the hiring process and frees up HR professionals to concentrate more on the strategic elements of talent acquisition and employee engagement.

    Applicant tracking system improve your talent acquisition?

    Let's talk about how specialised software may assist you in achieving this objective now that you are aware of the benefits of blind hiring. As there are several ways to engage in blind recruiting, employing an applicant monitoring system is only one of your options. Why, though, is it the best?


    You won't be affected by characteristics like a candidate's gender or race if you don't know specific details about them. Making choices based on merit can help you select applicants who are best suited for the position, which will increase the likelihood that they will differ from the people on your present team and promote diversity inside your company.

    After that choice is made, new hires will offer fresh perspectives to your decision-making process that you would not have received from a team consisting of individuals with similar backgrounds.


    Candidates who use an applicant tracking system and allow skills- or merit-based selection criteria will probably differ from those on your present team, necessitating distinct demands. This pool of applicants may include moms, persons with disabilities, and other people who may require you to make minor adjustments to the workplace (such giving them access to a wheelchair) in order for them to do their best job.

    You may decide to turn those applicants down straight away because you believe the benefits of changing the workplace will outweigh the disadvantages.

    Although you may reject such applicants immediately, believing that the long-term benefits of fairness would outweigh the costs of workplace adjustments, doing so will only help your organisation. 

    How To Choose An Applicant Tracking System

    Selecting the best AI applicant tracking system is crucial since it has a direct impact on how successful the hiring process is, and introducing a new workflow or system might cause some short-term disruptions as stakeholders get used to the change.

    The following stages will assist in directing the selecting process:

    Specify what you need: Determine the unique requirements of your company first. Take into account variables like your company's size, the amount of positions you usually have available, the features and functions you would want, the amount of money you have to work with, and any particular integration needs you may have with your current HR or recruiting systems.

    Look into and contrast your options: Investigate the different AI ATS vendors in the industry by conducting in-depth research. Seek out providers with a solid track record of Video interviewing software successful implementations, favourable client ratings, and a solid reputation. Make a shortlist of ATS systems that appear to be a good fit for your needs.

    User-friendliness: The adoption of the ATS by your HR staff will go more smoothly if it has an intuitive UI. Ask for demonstrations or trials of the systems that have been narrowed down to assess their usability, navigation, and general user experience.

    Options for integration: Take into account how well the ATS integrates with the HR software and tools you already have. Efficient integration has the potential to optimise data exchange and enhance HR procedures in general.

    Check for capabilities: The ATS systems you are evaluating have true AI capabilities by checking their capabilities. While some systems may have limited functionality, they may nonetheless claim to be AI-powered. A few characteristics to look for include intelligent applicant matching, automated candidate screening, and resume parsing.


    Saas Adviser can help your business succeed if you'd want to start hiring prospects using an application tracking system and offer your organisation a boost. Like the top goods on the market, we provide a comprehensive selection of features that give you all the power you need to save time and money. Visit the Saas Adviser for recruiting and career assistance to gain further insights on selecting qualified applicants and building a winning team. The user-friendly, AI-powered Applicant Tracking System from SaaS Advisor is ideal if you're a recruiter trying to find the finest software.

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